Guru Gita-27
Gukaarashcha Andhakaaro
Hi Rukaarah Teja Uchyate
Graasakam Brahm Gurureva Na Samshayah:
The syllable ‘Gu’ means darkness
and the syllable ‘Ru’ light. There is no doubt that the Absolute Brahman, the
destroyer of ignorance is verily Guru Himself.
knowledge that breaks us free from all limitations comes in the form of Guru, which
brightens one’s life with truth and knowledge. Guru is the Light that lifts us
up beyond the unpleasant truths of life and establishes us on the serene joy of
transcendental Truth. Therefore, Guru is the destroyer of ignorance and
miseries, because Guru through right knowledge liberates us from the thralldom of
all forms of suffering.
said that by following a guru, one forgets God and the guru becomes a block between
man and God. That depends upon what that person or that guru considers as God. If
that person considers God Almighty as a deity, god or goddess, that is not
going to take him to the Ultimate Truth. God is indefinable and unperceivable
source of the universe. That Supreme Light is known only through the help of a
highly evolved soul who through the efforts and self-sacrifices of innumerable
lives was able to peep into the truth of that Cosmic Light succeeding many levels
of the astral world. No soul can reach the source of that Cosmic Light by any
other method, except through the path discovered by such Gurus, who are
scientists of spirituality.
(Almighty God) has two aspects- the manifest and unmanifest. When Brahman is
unmanifest, there is nothingness, a silence unperceivable by anything second.
When this unmanifest, indefinable and unknowable power manifests itself in a
human universe, it has to be through a human medium in the form of Guru. That
is why it is mentioned that Brahman indeed is Guru Himself.