Ajnaana-moola-haranam Janma-karma-nivaarakam
Jnaana-vyraagya-sidhyartham Guru-paadodakam Pibet
Jnaana-vyraagya-sidhyartham Guru-paadodakam Pibet
For the attainment of knowledge and detachment, one should drink the ‘paada teertham’ of Guru which destroys the root of ignorance and annihilates the causation of rebirths.
Why our soul struggles in this finite world of fleeting joys and experiences? There are biological reasons, phycholocial reasons as well as spiritual reasons. Ultimately, everything comes down to the end-riddle, life itself and its purpose. Knowledge and detachment in spiritual terms denote finding the true dharmic meaning to life. In Hindu spiritual tradition, detachment denotes to a concept of self-abnegation or renunciation of worldly pleasures and attachment. Once the truth of Soul is perceived, the call of the inner Self becomes louder and louder. Such spiritually roused souls become detached and leave their homes, dear and near ones to seek the path of self realization.
But what happens to such spiritual aspirants; very few in the human society think about them. They - may not all of them - wander and wander inside the barbed compounds of the devas, yogis and sages whose lessons in self realization are said to be nowhere near completion. And who knows whether that upper region is segmented according to the caste and regional tags; down here they had such compartments. Therefore, we may have reasonable doubt about the souls of such spiritual aspirants. Those who have spiritual vision confirm the doubt for us that such souls are sadly not liberated from the root of ignorance; not attained freedom from births and deaths. Navajyoti Sri Karunakara Guru cautions the spiritual seekers;
We have come to this world after many births. We have very little time in this world. What can we learn during this short span of time? The wealth of knowledge acquired through the ages is so voluminous that we are unable to understand even a fraction of it... Therefore, what we can learn is about Kali Yuga Dharma. Kali Yuga Dharma is not based on caste or religion. It is based on the innate goodness of humanity.
Navajyoti Sri Karunakara Guru guides the spiritual seekers of this age to the freshness of Truth and a new vision about the ashram concept, when He said;
While learning staying in the ashram, we, with our wisdom, sacrifice, sufferings and actions are compensating for the lapses in our homes and the society. This is the knowledge we gain from the Ashram. This is not Sanyasa (renunciation). Those who come to the Ashram and stay here do not adopt Sanyasa. They are coming here to learn with their lives. That was what ancient kings had done. Even Lord Krishna studied in an Ashram. Ashram is such a great institution. The basic duty of every Ashram is to give away love, respect and humility for the good of the world. This is the real education which we gain from the Ashram’.
One need not renounce the world and wander about aimlessly for god realization or to gain freedom from ignorance. Surrender at the lotus feet of the all knowing Supreme Guru and serve Him.
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