Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Guru Gita -20

Gurucharanam Saranam

Yasmaad-anugraham Labdhwaa Mahad-ajnaanam-utsrujet

Tasmai Srii-desikendraaya Namascha-abhiishta-siddhaye

Salutations to that Lord among Teachers, on receiving whose blessing, great ignorance is dispelled and also wishes fulfilled.

What does our soul desire? It desires eternal peace. There cannot be peace when there are wants and desires to be fulfilled, duties to be fulfilled. Every man has to undergo life experiences presented before him which are the products of soul’s karmic backlog and evolutionary growth. Evolution is related to the upward journey of consciousness from gross emotional planes to the purity and tranquility of subtle higher states of consciousness. There are no fights, struggles and grievances there. It is an endless valley of pure love. The soul before reaching that state of stillness has to evolve achieving victory over the painful domain of ego, very deluding and difficult to transcend.

Base instincts, shameful actions and cruel deeds do occur in this domain due to the association with ego, sensuality, name and form. These are excusable when performed under the roof of ignorance as well as under remote astral influences with which a soul might be associated with. Such souls become food of the spirit-world in the dark regions. However, there is hope for those who have a Guru of supreme elevation. They can surrender all their bad karmas on the lotus feet of Guru and get purified. It is an assurance from the great Guru, Navajyoti Sri Karunakara Guru. Sin is washed away by the purifying light of Guru.

Those who live according to the dictates of dharma, who are able to control and discipline their thoughts and actions, become upwardly oriented. One branch of this people becomes the food of gods due to their attachment to heavenly pleasures and celestial splendor. The other group disgusted by the pendulum of pain and pleasure, their ceaseless meaningless repetition, desires to ascend the peak of spiritual tranquility, freed from the dark valley of ignorance below. Such souls are lifted up by the blessing hands of Guru, the radiance up above the higher regions.

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